Asherman’s syndrome is a rare, acquired, gynecological disorder of the uterus. The bonding of scar tissue that lines the walls of the uterus, which decreases the volume of the uterine cavity is a characteristic of asherman’s syndrome.
Also, the bonding of uterine scar tissue may occur as a result of surgical scraping or cleaning of tissue from the uterine wall (dilatation and curettage [D and C), infections of the endometrium (e.g., genital tuberculosis), or other factors.
However, patients can experience a range of symptoms depending on the severity of the disease. Including reduced menstrual flow, increased cramping and abdominal pain, and infertility.
In this article, we shall be discussing on how Asherman’s syndrome can disrupts the menstrual period, diagnosis of Asherman’s syndrome, causes and the best natural treatment for this condition.
Let’s talk more on Asherman’s syndrome before we delve into details.
More About Asherman’s Syndrome
Asherman syndrome is a term used to describe adhesions inside the uterus. This scarring can be mild with thin stretchy bands of scar tissue or more severe with formation of thick bands.
In the most severe cases, partial or total occlusion or destruction of the inside of the uterine cavity can occur.
In addition, injury to and/or infection of the endometrium may damage the lining. Eventually causing the formation of adhesions (scar tissue) between the inner walls of the uterus, where the walls stick to each other.
Asherman’s syndrome is often referred to as Intrauterine Adhesions.
How does Scar Tissues Affects the Menstrual Period?
Many things can affect the menstrual period. Changes in your body’s level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone can disrupt the normal pattern of your period.
However, one of the major symptoms of Asherman’s syndrome is by disrupting the normal period. Below are three ways this condition affects the menstrual period;
1. Light Period or No Period
If you have Asherman’s syndrome, you can experience a variety of symptoms. These symptoms can include; having very light periods (hypomenorrhea), not having a period (amenorrhea) or having abnormal uterine bleeding
However, this occur if scar tissue is replacing the endometrium, which is the tissue that breaks down and bleeds during a normal menstrual cycle.
Occasionally, scar tissue blocks the cervical opening, stopping the flow of menstrual blood.
Some women may have pain at the time that their period should be due, but don’t have any bleeding. This could indicate that you’re menstruating but the blood is unable to leave the uterus because of the blocked exit by scar tissue.
2. Retrograde Menstruation
In more severe cases, adhesion of uterine scar tissue can also lead to either a partial or full blockage of the uterus or cervical canal.
This results in what is called retrograde menstruation (menstruation blood that flows backward into the fallopian tubes instead of being expelled from the body).
3. Painful Period & Pelvic Pain
Blockages caused by scar tissue can cause painful cramps when expecting menstruation, even when no bleeding occurs.
Similarly, you also may feel a different kind of pain before and during your period. People with adhesions describe the pain as being more of an internal stabbing rather than the dull and persistent throbbing.
Conversely, other women with Asherman’s syndrome may unable to achieve pregnancy or may experience recurrent miscarriages. They may also experience complications at the time of delivery due to abnormal implantation of the placenta (afterbirth).
Other common causes of irregular periods include:
- Having an intrauterine device (IUD)
- Changing birth control pills or using certain medications
- Too much exercise
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Stress
- Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
- Thickening of or polyps on the uterine lining
- Uterine fibroids
What Causes Asherman’s Syndrome?
Specifically, asherman’s syndrome happens when scar tissue (adhesions) build up inside your uterus, limiting the space inside your uterus and sometimes blocking your cervix.
However, this can happen for several reasons, but one of the main causes is often surgery of your uterus or cervix.
Other causes of Asherman’s syndrome include:
- Operative hysteroscopy
- Dilation and curettage (D&C)
- Cesarean section (c-section)
- Radiation treatment
Another cause could be Infections, but infections alone don’t typically cause Asherman’s syndrome.
However, when you have an infection while you undergo uterine surgery, like a D&C or a c-section, you can develop Asherman’s syndrome.
Some infections that could lead to Asherman’s syndrome include cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
How is Asherman’s Syndrome Diagnosed?
Make an appointment with your doctor if you experience menstrual irregularities especially following the above causes.
Specifically, Asherman’s syndrome is diagnosed through imaging the size and shape of the uterus.
Similarly, uterine scarring can be seen on imaging such as hysterosalpingogram which is an X-ray of the pelvis, pelvic ultrasound, and saline sonogram.
Hysteroscopy is performed to examine the uterine lining and check for adhesions. It is a procedure in which the doctor inserts a thin, flexible, lighted telescope into the vagina and through the cervix to directly view the inside of the uterus.
How to Treat Asherman’s Syndrome?
Treating adhesions of the uterus generally involves breaking up the scar tissue and trying to prevent scar tissue from reforming in its place.
In order to remove the scar tissue, your gynecologist may perform hysteroscopic lysis of adhesions. This is an outpatient procedure in which the doctor uses a hysteroscope to view the lining of the uterus and agitate the scar tissue that’s present.
However, in most cases, adhesions recur following the surgery to remove the adhesion. Surgery to remove scar tissues (adhesions) can be a vicious cycle that can lead to new adhesions.
While there is always a risk of scar tissue returning after the removal through surgery. The question now is; What could be done to break up these scar tissues without any adverse effects?
Natural Remedy for Asherman’s Syndrome
The Kit is a holistic therapy created by Plan B Wellness Limited that has a long history of effectiveness.
This Asherman’s Syndrome Remedy Kit which works for all forms of adhesions, has helped a lot of women in different countries around the world.
Click here to see success stories and how to purchase it
You too can get this remedy from where ever you are around the world. We deliver worldwide to your doorstep.
All the best to you in your journey to overcoming adhesions.
Stay healthy and never give up!
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