In this article, we have put together 3 major risks of not treating Asherman’s syndrome, the stages of Asherman’s syndrome, and the best natural treatment for it.
Have you been diagnosed with Asherman’s syndrome? But you keep on postponing the treatment based on lifestyle, decision making, finance, and so on.
However, you still do not know the severity of your actions. Read and learn more about the hazard associated with Asherman’s syndrome left untreated.
To start with;
What is Asherman’s Syndrome?
Asherman’s syndrome (AS) is a complication of the uterus characterized by scar formation. These extra tissues (scars) build up in the uterus thereby creating less space inside your uterus.
It is also known as intrauterine adhesion (IUA) or intrauterine synechiae. It refers to intrauterine adhesions that cause symptoms such as hypomenorrhea or infertility.
Commonly, this syndrome is associated with dilation and curettage procedures used to terminate a pregnancy. Also in treating a missed or partial miscarriage, or remove a retained placenta after delivery.
Scar tissue in the uterus can form as a result of infection, inflammation or any gynecological surgical procedure.
What are the Stages of Asherman’s Syndrome?
Now, when diagnosed with Asherman’s syndrome, there are different stages following the degree of severity.
Stage I
- Minor scarring in either the cervical canal or the uterine cavity.
- Unless this involves a specific area of the uterus called the isthmus, there will be little impact on normal function of the uterus and treatment is not essential.
- However if the scar involves the isthmus, there can be a significant impact on the function of the endometrium and you should seek treatment.
- Most women are able to fall pregnant again.
Stage II
- We most frequently see patients presenting at this stage of the condition.
- There will be an obstruction of the internal os, a tiny part of the cervix that opens into the uterus and is easily blocked.
- In some women this obstruction involves only a fraction of a millimeter, in others it can stretch over several centimeters.
- If the scarring involves the very low end of the uterine cavity (the isthmus), there will be no production of menstrual blood and no pain.
- In some cases women might experience mild cramps with no bleeding, though this is not as common.
Stage III
- The uterus will normally contract and more than 50% is blocked by scar tissue.
- There may also be an obstruction of one of the tubal orifices.
- The greater the extent of scar formation, the more difficult it is to treat.
Stage IV
- More than 75% of the uterus is blocked and it is smaller in size.
- Treatment at this stage requires multiple visits and has a low success rate.
What are the Risks Associated with Untreated Asherman’s Syndrome?
The extent of scar formation is critical. The three major risks of not treating Asherman’s syndrome are discussed below;
1. Infertility
There are several factors that could lead to difficulty in getting pregnant in Asherman’s syndrome. When it comes to conceiving or staying pregnant, one must have a normal cavity and a uterine lining that is functional.
However, a cavity with scarring will markedly compromise chances for pregnancy and when severe, will make pregnancy impossible.
Consequently, this syndrome results to reduction or absence of your menstrual flow.
If you’re still having a period, you might experience some mild to severe pain with it, as the uterine muscle has to work harder to push the menstrual fluid past the scar tissue.
2. Miscarriage or Stillbirth
If you have Asherman syndrome, it may be hard for you to conceive. If you do, the chances of having a miscarriage are high.
Getting pregnant while you have the condition is possible, but the adhesions in the walls of the uterus don’t give room for fetal development.
This makes your chances of getting a miscarriage or stillbirth higher than with women without the condition.
Asherman’s syndrome also comes with a high risk of certain conditions during pregnancy, which include:
- Placenta accreta
- Placenta Previa
- Excessive bleeding
Specifically, patients who carry a pregnancy after with Asherman’s syndrome may have an increased risk of having abnormal placenta including placenta accreta.
The placenta invades the uterus more deeply, leading to complications in placental separation after delivery. Other reported complications are premature delivery, second-trimester pregnancy loss, and uterine rupture.
In addition, they may also develop incompetent cervix where the cervix can no longer support the growing weight of the fetus. The pressure causes the placenta to rupture and the mother goes into premature labor.
3. Endometriosis
There is evidence that Asherman’s syndrome left untreated can lead to endometriosis resulting from scarring.
Usually, when endometriosis interferes with reproductive organs, your ability to get pregnant can become an issue;
First, by causing distortion of the fallopian tubes so that they are unable to pick up the egg after ovulation.
Second, by creating inflammation that can adversely affect the function of the ovary, egg, fallopian tubes or uterus. Thus, making it difficult to conceive.
Additionally, endometrial cells can grow on or into the ovaries and fallopian tubes. They can also attach to other pelvic organs such as the bladder or intestines causing pelvic adhesions.
Above all, lower abdominal and pelvic surgeries carry a greater adhesion risk, and these scars can get bigger over time.
How is Asherman’s Syndrome treated?
Our treatment protocol results from over 7 years of experience taking the organic route. We’ve seen excellent results, with most women seeing a return to normal menstrual flow, and hundreds of women able to conceive again.
See examples below;
Click here to see more success stories
Regardless of the stage of Asherman’s Syndrome, you are presenting. The Kit is a holistic therapy put together by Plan B Wellness Limited to permanently eradicate all forms of scar tissues and pelvic adhesions.
We have decided to do this after discovering that adhesions are increasingly becoming a leading cause of infertility among women of child-bearing age, all over the world.
Natural Remedy to Overcome Asherman’s Syndrome
As previously said, we exclusively use natural and organic remedies. If nothing else, unlike a surgical operation, you may rest assured that there will be no negative side effects from using it.
The therapy comprises of the use of anti-inflammatory herbs, customised home-made organic recipes based on your personality and lifestyle as well as diet control to get rid of scar tissues, restore healthy monthly period and at the same time boost your fertility.
Kindly click on the link below for more details about how the Remedy works and how to get it.
Click here for more details about the Asherman’s Syndrome Remedy Kit
Please note that this is not for women who are already pregnant and have Asherman’s syndrome. Make an effort to see your doctor on a frequent basis to check your pregnancy.
It’s best to treat Asherman’s Syndrome before getting pregnant to avoid risks like those listed above.
All the best to you in your journey to overcoming adhesions.
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