Effects of uterine adhesion on menstrual period is one of the major indications when one is affected with uterine adhesion, that result to period abnormalities, which in turn may lead to infertility in women.

In this article, you will get to know how uterine adhesions can affect your period and the best natural solution for adhesions and scar tissues without surgery.

Let’s delve into the details.

What is Uterine Adhesion?

uterine adhesions

Uterine Adhesion is a condition whereby scar tissues are formed in the uterine walls. This extra tissues create less space inside your uterus. Think of the walls of a room getting thicker and thicker, making the space in the room smaller and smaller.

Injury to and/or infection of the endometrium may damage the lining and cause the formation of adhesions (scar tissue) between the inner walls of the uterus where the walls abnormally adhere or stick to each other.

Also, there are several ways by which adhesions are formed in the uterus, these ways are mostly associated with complication of medical procedures (dilation & curettage or caesarean section) or cancer treatments.

Keep it in mind that these scars do not only affect the period but can cause pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding leading to fertility issues.

Uterine Adhesion also is known as Asherman’s syndrome or Intrauterine Adhesion.

Now, let me bring you back to the fundamental of what the menstrual period is, how it happens and how these build up scar tissues affect your menstrual period.

What is a Period?

what is menstrual period

The menstrual period, which we commonly refer to as just a “period” is the shedding of your uterine lining (your endometrium) through your vagina when pregnancy does not occur.

However, bleeding usually lasts for 3-8 days. For most women, menstruation happens in a fairly regular, predictable pattern. While in some, it does not.

The length of time from the first day of the period to the first day of the next period normally ranges from 21-35 days.

Why Does the Period Happen?

why does a period happen?

As mentioned earlier, the period releases the tissue that grow to support a possible pregnancy. This happens after each cycle in which a pregnancy doesn’t occur (when an egg hasn’t been fertilized).

Usually, your cycle uses hormonal signals as cues for what to do next. In the first part of your cycle, one of your ovaries prepares to release an egg. It also produces an increasing amount of the hormone oestrogen.

Now, this oestrogen helps grow and prepare the lining of your uterus (the endometrium) for a potential pregnancy. Another hormone, progesterone, is usually secreted during ovulation, which also help the uterus for preparation of possible pregnancy.

However, if by then, your body doesn’t receive a hormonal signal that a pregnancy is in progress, levels of oestrogen and progesterone drop.

Prostaglandins is also secreted when hormonal levels drop, causing your uterus to contract, leading to shedding that we all refer to as period.

Specifically, there are two major ways the adhesion causes disorders on the menstrual period;

  • Amenorrhea: Total absence of menstrual period
  • Hypomenorrhea: Menstrual blood flow that is very light.

How does Uterine Adhesions Causes Period Abnormalities

how does uterine adhesion cause period abnormalities

Having very light periods or no periods is a common and major symptom of uterine adhesions.

This can occur if scar tissue formed from the adhesions in the uterus is replacing the endometrium, which is the tissue that breaks down and bleeds during a normal menstrual cycle.

When these scars are preventing a normal flow, it is often referred to as period abnormalities/ disorder.

Occasionally, the scar tissue blocks the cervical opening, stopping the flow of menstrual blood (amenorrhoea) or allowing little flow known as the Hypomenorrhea.

Now, overcoming period abnormalities caused by these scar tissues is equivalent to overcoming adhesion and scar tissue.

Treatment Options for Uterine Adhesion

surgery as a solution for uterine adhesion

Uterine adhesions are treated surgically by cutting and removing the adhesions or scar tissues. This usually requires general anesthesia, and estrogen is administered to improve the quality of the uterine lining.

However, adhesions can recur following surgery, so it may be necessary to wait for up to 12 months before trying to conceive.

There are several ways to treat Uterine adhesions. While discussing with your healthcare provider, it’s good to discuss how this adhesion makes you feel including any pain you may experience as well as your goals for future fertility.

In some cases where a woman isn’t experiencing symptoms, a treatment option can actually be no treatment.

However, if your plan includes future pregnancies, there are treatment options that can remove the scar tissue. Treatment can also help if you’re experiencing cramps or pelvic pain.

The main goal of treatment is to remove the scar tissue and restore your uterus to its original size and shape. Treatment for uterine adhesions can help:

  • Relieve pain.
  • Restore your normal menstrual cycle (periods).
  • Allow for the possibility of pregnancy if you’re pre-menopausal.

Following the post-surgery effects that could up-shoot through surgical procedure for removing scar tissues, you may want to think twice before going for it. For example, check out the image below;

Adhesion surgery risk and complaints

There is a common saying that; even surgery to remove adhesions can lead to new adhesions. It can be a vicious cycle.

Treating Uterine Adhesions/Scar Tissues With Herbs and Natural Remedy

When it comes to overcoming adhesions naturally using organic means, a therapy we have used for over 7 years with hundreds of success stories is the Asherman’s Syndrome Remedy Kit that works for all forms of uterine adhesions and scar tissues with no adverse effect.

The Kit is an holistic therapy put together by Plan B Wellness Limited with so many success stories. See a sample below;


You can get more testimonies like this on our instagram page (@planbwellness).

Kindly click on the link below for more details about how the remedy kit works and how to get it.

Click here for more details about the Asherman’s Syndrome Remedy kit

Good luck in your journey to overcoming uterine Adhesion.

Stay healthy and never give up!


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