This article provides a summary of the principle behind the reoccurrence of adhesions even after treatment, as well as a guide toward better strategies for adhesion prevention and treatment.
Internal scar tissue, called adhesions, forms when the body heals from an accident, fall, surgery, infection, inflammation, trauma, radiation therapy, or endometriosis.
Similarly, like scars that occur on the outside, adhesions are simply scars that form inside our bodies.
However, adhesions can squeeze nerves, organs, and joints. Thus, causing internal pain or dysfunction including female infertility and life-threatening bowel obstructions.
How Does Adhesion Forms?
Virtually everyone develops internal scar tissue, or adhesions, throughout life. Adhesions can form anywhere in the body as the first step in the healing process after infection.
Our muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues are intimately involved structures within our body.
There are four broad categories of adhesion formation:
- Post-surgical
- Residual pathology: In a case where the excision of particular endometriosis has been incomplete, leaving tissue to continue to grow, bleed, and eventually form further deep fibrous bands
- Infective adhesions: where there has been a rupture of an organ (a burst appendix is a good example) or a transmitted infection (PID, chlamydia/gonorrhea).
- Radiation adhesions: Usually rare in general gynecology, but seen in patients who may have undergone pelvic lymph node radiotherapy (eg cervical cancer).
What Causes Pelvic Adhesions?
Adhesions seen in the pelvis can be a result of the following:
- An ongoing inflammatory disease process (endometriosis is the classic example).
- Infection (chlamydia, gonorrhea most commonly), Tuberculosis
- Latrogenic Organ injury – most commonly damaged bowel during a surgical procedure
- Latrogenic Haemorrhage – bleeding at the time of surgery creating a mass of fibrous adhesions
Why Do Adhesions Reoccur?
Until recently, the only choice medical science offered to repair adhesive damage was a surgical procedure called lysis of adhesions. Whether performed by laparoscopy or open surgery, lysis involves cutting or burning the adhesions.
While lysis of adhesions can effective, it has two major drawbacks:
- Inadvertent enterotomy (IE): the damage caused by inadvertently cutting or burning nearby structures.
- Despite the best skills of the finest surgeon, the body creates more adhesions to heal from the very surgery designed to remove them.
Now, that you know the principle behind this vicious cycle. The need for effective adhesion prevention strategies has to be put in place during the surgery of adhesion lysis.
Click here to read more about how to overcome pelvic adhesions completely.
However, one of the most reliable ways and preventive measures to avoid getting adhesions over and over again is by treating adhesions through natural methods.
On the other hand, natural methods have proven over the years to be effective and come with no adverse effects. That is, you are free from any reoccurrence of adhesions even after the treatment.
PlanBWellness is a world leader with experience in breaking down scar tissue and adhesions non-surgically.
Our treatment involves a personalized dietary guide along with the remedy to fast track healing processes and effectively relieve debilitating adhesion pain, – returning the body to an earlier state of pain-free mobility and function.
Unlike surgery, our treatment does not appear to create new adhesions.
Click here to see reviews and success stories and how to purchase the remedy kit. We do a doorstep delivery to any location worldwide.
Symptoms of Adhesion Pain?
Adhesions mean that organs or tissues are stuck together, and no longer freely move. There is usually discomfort or pain.
Although, adhesions caused by (recurrent) endometriosis tend to have similar pain patterns (back pain, sex pain, etc).
Postoperative adhesions are a significant source of patient morbidity and place a considerable burden on the health system.
Aside from meticulous surgical technique, few agents have a solid evidence base of efficacy, with little long-term data on safety. Progress has been made in recent years, with some products showing some success in reducing adhesion formation.
However, a permanent alternative way to avoid this adhesion reoccurrence is by treating with such remedy above. This will not only eradicate the vicious cycle but also breaks down the adhesion formation, relieving you from symptoms such as pain and even infertility.
This work has been put in place by Planbwellness Nigeria Ltd to improve outcomes on adhesion treatment, reduce the health implications to individuals, and the overall impact on the health system.
All you have to do is try it out!
I hope you found this helpful and informative!
All the best to you in your journey to overcoming adhesions.
Stay healthy and never give up!
c/o Plan B Wellness Limited
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Facebook: Uterine Adhesion Remedy